What We Do
CORINOS I: JWST/MIRI Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Class 0 protostar IRAS 15398-3359 - maps, data cubes, and first models of complex organic molecule ice features, gas phase/line emission from outflows, and detection of the hot inner circumstellar disk of IRAS 15398-3359 - program 2151 (Yang et al. 2022).
First Publications of General Observer Programs with JWST - In addition to several guaranteed and early release programs, members of the star and planet formation group are PI or co-I on more than 15 JWST general observer programs including GO-1549, GO-1563, GO-1584, GO-1611, GO-1640, GO-1751, GO-1798, GO-1802, GO-1906, GO-1960, GO-2025, GO-2053, GO-2092, GO-2151, GO-2183, GO-2209, GO-2278, and others in Cycles 1 and 2.
Characterizing UV Emission from YSOs – using HST-COS and HST-STIS spectra to study LyA and continuum emission from Classical T Tauri stars and map distributions of hot molecular gas in protoplanetary disks, e.g., Arulanantham et al. (2018, 2020)
Chemistry of Protoplanetary Disks around Young Stars – a series of programs to understand the relationship between the system properties and the kinds of materials available to form planets. e.g., Banzatti et al. (2017); Blevins et al. (2016)
Understanding episodic accretion – Using mid-infrared photometry (Spitzer, WISE, SOFIA) to discover episodic accretion events and monitor their evolution (Fischer et al. 2012; Safron et al. 2015). Using infrared surveys, both past and proposed, to broadly understand the importance of episodic accretion for stellar mass assembly (Fischer et al. 2019; Zakri et al. 2022; Fischer et al. 2024).
Review from Protostars and Planets VII: Fischer et al. 2022
Infrared/submillimeter investigations of protostellar evolution – a cross-disciplinary program including observations from the JWST, Herschel, Spitzer, SOFIA, and ALMA observatories modeled with several radiative transfer codes (including LIME and COLT) to study the morphology and chemical properties of young systems. e.g., Federman et al. 2024, Yang et al. (2017, 2018)
Spectroscopic characterization of physical conditions in outbursting disks – Using mid-infrared spectroscopy from Spitzer and now SOFIA to monitor the luminosity and chemical evolution of episodic accretion events. e.g., Green et al. (2016, 2013)
Modeling HI line emission - Kwan & Fischer (2011). A database of line models can be found at http://www.stsci.edu/~wfischer/line_models.html
Calibration of mid-IR lines for use in measuring accretion rates with JWST spectroscopy – JWST will provide an unprecedented opportunity for near to mid-IR spectroscopy of accreting young stars. The luminosities of emission lines in their spectra are proportional to their accretion rates. We are calibrating the proportionality relationships with ground-based spectra.
Mapping interstellar shocks – an observational program to study the impact of jets and outflows on the surrounding molecular cloud with HST, Spitzer, IRTF, and JWST. e.g., Sonnentrucker et al. (2010, 2006); Green et al. (2011)
Far-IR Future Missions - Whitepapers on PRIMA (Fischer et al. 2023) and Origins (Green et al. 2019)
Obs Hours | Title | SPF PI and co-Is | PID |
30.5 | Coronagraphic Imaging of Scattered light Debris Disks | C. Chen | 1183 |
29.2 | NGC 346: Star Formation at Low Metallicity in the Small Magellanic Cloud | T. Beck, J. Muzerolle, M. Robberto, B. Sargent | 1227 |
16.1 | Planets in Formation and Exozodiacal Disks | C. Chen | 1242 |
8.9 | Thermal Emission Spectroscopy of beta Pictoris' Prototypical Debris Disk | PI C. Chen; B. Sargent | 1294 |
32.8 | IceAge: Chemical evolution of ices during star formation | T. Beck | 1309 |
13.8 | The deepest search for rare molecules and isotopologues in planet-forming disks | J. Green, T. Pauly, N. Arulanantham | 1549 |
34.9 | Icy Kuiper Belts in Exoplanetary Systems | PI C. Chen; T. Beck | 1563 |
28.0 | A DSHARP-MIRI Treasury survey of Chemistry in Planet-forming Regions | N. Arulanantham, J. Green | 1584 |
15.8 | A chemical census of volatile ices in protostellar envelopes | T. Pauly | 1611 |
15.2 | Testing the emerging paradigm of wind-driven accretion with NIRSpec spectro-imaging | T. Beck | 1621 |
19.6 | The infrared water spectrum as a tracer of pebble delivery to rocky planets | J. Green, N. Arulanantham | 1640 |
25.0 | Mapping inclined disk astrochemical signatures (MIDAS) | T. Beck | 1751 |
7.7 | Characterizing Accretion Signatures in the Youngest Protostars: The Case of L1527 IRS | W. Fischer | 1798 |
66.3 | Investigating Protostellar Accretion Across the Mass Spectrum | W. Fischer, J. Green, J. Muzerolle | 1802 |
25.1 | NAOMY-J: NIR-dark Accretion Outbursts from Massive Young stellar objects with JWST | Admin PI J. Green | 1906 |
14.3 | The Chemistry of Planet Formation: A JWST-ALMA Survey of 4 Planet-Forming Disks | J. Green | 2025 |
6.0 | Search for NIR gas in debris disks. Is there a water delivery mechanism? | C. Chen | 2053 |
24.7 | Blazing the trail of COMs from ice to gas | J. Green | 2151 |
30.9 | Illuminating the dust properties in the diffuse ISM with JWST | J. Green | 2183 |
1.7 | Preparing for planets: the impact of the extraordinary outburst of EX Lup on its circumstellar disk | J. Green | 2209 |
6.4 | EPISODE: EC 53, the only known Periodically variable Infant Star to chase the Outburst in the next Dynamical Event | Admin PI: J. Green | 3477 |
32 | The Volatile Content of Oort Cloud Comet C/2014 UN271 (multi-cycle) | C. Chen, J. Green | 4198, 2747 |